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Key Chain Colors

When the boy and I started traveling together more, we decided we wanted to collect something to remember our travels. Something small and relatively inexpensive. We decided on key chains. They're easy to find and are often unique to the place where you are.

My parents have always collected key chains and when I was small they were displayed around the top of the walls of the kitchen. I used to love to look at them and play with them.

I knew I wanted a way to display our key chains as well, but I wasn't too keen on putting a bunch of nails in the walls. (That's probably also why my parents never put theirs back up after we remodeled.) So I've just had the idea percolating in the back of my mind for many months now.

Last week we made a run to my favorite craft store and as I was looking around, I spotted this unfinished shadowbox.

Something about it caught my eye. If you've been paying attention, you know I've gotten into painting recently and I had a sudden desire to paint something fun like this. It also struck me at the same time that this would probably work to display our key chains as well. I didn't have a plan yet, but I bought it and took it home.

The first step was painting it. I didn't have a plan, just kind of went with what I was feeling at the time. Apparently I was feeling very colorful.

The next step was figuring out how to hang the key chains inside. This is where my engineering-minded brain comes in handy. The back board is too thin for nails, so I had to come up with something different. Digging through some of my miscellaneous craft supplies, I spotted some fun colored glass stones. With all the color on the box, I decided they would work well. I also dug through my bead supply and found some that I didn't think I'd use in any jewelry project that I could use to offset the stones from the back of the box. I wanted the key chains to be secure and not slip off the stones.

To attach them to the box, I used some strong glue that I had in my stash. After waiting for them to dry, I had finished my masterpiece.

And tonight, I hung it on the wall with all the key chains we've collected since we got married!

If you like my photography (and many of you tell me you do), PLEASE leave comments on my pictures throughout this year. I don't know if I'll be able to continue without that encouragement. Also needed will be suggestions for photography subjects or locations. I'm always looking for ideas!


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