I'm still enjoying my new activity. Here's a taste of what I've been working on the last couple days. The one on the right is what I worked on while Bryan did his masterpiece. The one on the left is one I did today. It might be my favorite painting that I've done so far!
One of many awesome wedding gifts we received was a cookbook titled 101 Things to do with Popcorn. There are some interesting recipes inside and some really fun ones. I've made a couple and decided to try something new tonight. I didn't have the right ingredients for anything specific from the book, so I mixed and matched and came up with my own concoction. To start, you need some popped popcorn. We don't want the special butter or movie popcorn you can buy in the store because we're putting our own topping on it. So we want to start with about 1/3 cup of unpopped kernels and we're going to dump them in a regular old brown paper lunch bag. Fold up the top of the bag so the kernels don't come out as they pop. My microwave has a popcorn setting. If yours doesn't, just put it in for about 3 - 4 minutes and listen for the popping to slow. After the popcorn is popped comes my least favorite step. It's a little awkward, but necessary if...
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