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Flowers and Donuts

It's hard to want to sit inside in front of the computer with all the nice weather we're having, so more photos are probably going to be combined into single posts than in the past. I'm still taking photos every day, I just don't want to take the time to edit and post them every day. Perhaps if I got more comments, that might change... hint, hint...

June 4th:

June 5th:

June 6th was National Donut Day, so the boy and I walked to Dunkin' Donuts to get a free donut with a beverage purchase. Just about walked off all the calories on the walk, too!

If you like my photography (and many of you tell me you do), PLEASE leave comments on my pictures throughout this year. I don't know if I'll be able to continue without that encouragement. Also needed will be suggestions for photography subjects or locations. I'm always looking for ideas!


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